Frequently Asked Questions

This page is designed to answer common questions you might have before hiring Bart Baggett, or any professional court qualified forensic document examiner.


We hope this F.A.Q. assist you in making a hiring decision. Naturally, you can call our office and ask these questions directly.

Here are the most common questions we hear from prospective clients.

What kind of forgery/ document cases do you handle? A) All documents which contain handwritten items or the authenticity of the document is in question. We also handled many documents relating to digital signature authenticication, when and how a document was created, and overall authenticity. We do not handle autographs on memorabilia or paint / artwork authentication.

How do I get my case started? Most people use the telephone or chat window to initiate a conversation with our team. You can also email PDF copies of your documents and get an exact flat quote to get started.

email us now


Do I have to have originals? Can you examine photocopies?

A) Originals are always preferred as it provides more evidence for inspection at a microcscopic level. However, it is very common to go to court with evidence such as PDF files, electronically filed documents, scans, photocopies or photographs of documents. In most legal case, the 'best evidence' rule applies. Our team often comes to conclusive opinions without originals.

How much will my case cost? A) See the rate sheet page or talk to our staff. We have a flat rate option or hourly billing option. Most cases with one document in question average about $2500-$6000. Prices can vary significantly depending on the number of documents and whether or not testimony or in person inspection is required.

How many comparable documents do you need? The official answer to that question is always "as many as you can get at the highest quality." Some cases have gone to court with just 6 known exemplars and others had over 200. Talk to us and we can discuss this with you. Because we use scientific methodology... the more evidence you present to use, the more accurate the lab results will be. More documents provide more evidence.

How long will it take to get my official opinion? A) 7-14 business days is normal. Rush cases are accepted with a significant surcharge. It depends on the number of other cases in the que before you make the payment. The sooner you start the case, the sooner your case will get handled.

How do I get my documents to your laboratory for inspection? Snail mail, drop off in-person, or via email. We prefer to get your case started with photographs or scans of the documents right away.

Why should I hire Bart Baggett, instead of another less qualified or less well known examiner? A) That depends on your budget, your desire to work with the best, conflict checks, and the whether or not the testimony and reputation of your expert witness is important to win your case. Most attorneys hire Mr. Baggett when they really want to win their case. If winning your case is not a priority, then you might recommend to your attorney he hire a beginner with no experience and roll the dice.

Scroll Down for more questions and Answers.


Call Today: 1-800-980-9030 ext 1 New Client Hotline within the United States.You can also use the chat feature on this page

Bart Baggett, America's #1 Handwriting Expert. Court Qualified. Experienced.

Mayor of Los Angeles Says:

"When you need a professional handwriting expert of the highest standards, hire Bart Baggett. He is honest, quick, direct... and will deliver an objective expert opinion, every time. I recommend him without hesitation."

~ Richard J. Riordan,
39th Mayor of Los Angeles


Other Common Questions

Can Bart testify in my state or my country?
Yes, Bart travels nationwide to testify and has been qualifed to testify 100% of the time he has appeared in court as an expert witness. Judges have found him highly qualified and credible to offer expert testimony. He has appeared in the last five years on zoom or virtually when allowed by the judge.

How much do handwriting experts charge to render an opinion?
Most experts charge a non-refundable retainer before they even begin the case with additional fees of $500-$700 per hour. Handwriting Experts Inc offers the option of getting a "flat rate" which locks in a agreed upon rate with no hidden fees or additional fees for attorney conversations or additional work as the case comes to trial. Hourly retainer rates are also available. This billing sytem helps both attorneys and individuals budget their expert witness expenses accruately.

Why should I hire Bart Baggett, instead of another less qualified examiner?
Bart is the most recognized (famous) handwriting expert working in the USA. If credibility, accuracy, and integrity are important to your case, hire Bart. The only reason not to hire Bart is if your court date is on a date when Bart is already testifying in another case. He has other court qualified experts on his staff and once you are retained, our team will find an expert to handle your case.

What training does a handwriting expert have to have in order to testify in a court of law?
That is a very long answer. The short answer is that an expert's qualifications are judged by the judge in each case. The long answer is that many working handwritinge experts are not qualified and shouldn't be taking cases, but do. Don't get duped by hiring a underqualified expert. If someone is quoting you a price of rendering an expert opinion for under $400... this person is most likely underqualified and under trained. When possible, hire an expert who has testified over 100 times and has a long and credible C.V.

Can I just email my document to you for a quick verbal opinion?
Our email address is on the banner above handwriting experts at However, we do not render opinions of any documents without payment in advance. There is no "quick opinion", as we our bound to each opinion and be able to prove it up in court and must take time with every case to consider all the evidence. We will, however review documents to evaluate if the documents have the quality needed to be analyzed in our lab. Because our "opinion" is what you are paying for, it would be illogical to ask for us to give you our "product" without payment. You wouldn't ask a dentist to give you a brand new crown... and then decide if you want to pay him or not after the tire is on your car. We will gladly consult on your case before payment, but our experts do not give a free or quick "lookie loo" opinion about your documents.. please don't ask.

My case contains no originals, can you still render an opinion which will hold up in court? Yes. It is common for cases to go to trial based on photocopies or best available documents. While not preferred, in many cases experts must render an opinion using evidence that is available.

Will Bart's opinion be accepted in a court of law?
Of course, but an expert witness's testimony is never a guarantee the judge will rule in your favor. Documents are usually one piece of a much larger puzzle in any lawsuit.

How much will it cost to have Bart Baggett himself come to court and testify in person?
Does he travel to appear in person when required. (Yes. Often. Mr. Baggett's rate sheet is downloadable on this site. Also, the client pays for travel expenes and a small travel fee. Having Mr. Baggett come to you is well worth the travel expenses compared to a less qualified and non-famous local expert.)

All these questions and more can be answered by simply calling our office. Your first conversation will take place without a fee, so you can make sure you are hiring the right expert for the job. We welcome your call.

Call our office today: 1- 323-544-9277
Speak to me or my legal assistant about your case, right away.
The first consultation is free. Call now.

Call Now: 1-323-544-9277

Baggett Helps Client Recover $6,600


Your testimony and support during this lawsuit by my ex-girlfriend has been nothing short of amazing. The judge awarded me full amount of the $6,600 and finally I can sleep at night."

~ Mike Juaraz,
East Los Angeles

Helped Client Avoid 15 Years in Prison

"Thanks you soooooo much for going above and beyond. Your testimony was the key the criminal lawsuit against me. The jury found me NOT GUILTY on all counts. They obviously believed you instead of that Police document examiner the D.A. hired.

I was so impressed you handled that District Attorney with such professionalism... he knew you were right, but couldn't make you look bad on the witness stand.

I have my life back. Thank you Mr. Baggett!"

~ Amir Dawood, Attorney
San Bernadino, CA

Mayor of Los Angeles Recommends Bart

"When you need a professional handwriting expert of the highest standards, hire Bart Baggett. He is honest, quick, direct... and will deliver an objective expert opinion, every time. I recommend him without hesitation."

~ Richard J. Riordan
39th Mayor of Los Angeles

Attorneys Recommend Bart

"Bart Baggett is the best expert witness I've ever worked with. What's more, he successfully testified for my client via telephone in a live trial here in Alaska. He even "consulted with me" on how best to cross-examine the defense's document examiner. We won the trial and I recommend him whole heartedly."

~ Jim Fry, Attorney
Anchorage, Alaska

Even when Bart isn't in the Room,
His Reputation Helps Client Win

"Thank you very much for your assistance in this matter. Your opinion letter may become enough to prevent a trial."

~ Sandra G. Slater
Phoenix, AZ